top of page is about Patriarchy and men;

about Men's Liberation into a healthier and happier life. 

ManCelebrating is about Change

ManCelebrating is about change.  And Change is desperately needed!

ManCelebrating is about opening new, healthier masculinities. Liberating us into Joy...

In a time of growing crises, of turmoil, of breakdowns in so many areas of our lives...

In a time of growing consciousness, compassion and intersectional understandings…

Now is the time for change; for men, and thus too for women, children, and our planet!


Recognising that Patriarchal gender stereo-types are toxic, and catastrophically affecting us all...

We need to address what is happening with men, and what needs to happen with men, for us all…


We live in a patriarchal society, and we all, and everything suffer under this culture.

Much has been said about how patriarchy harms and disadvantages girls and women.

It is also hugely clear how patriarchy is killing our planet and destroying any future for much of the life on this Earth.

Yet there is a gapping void over how men are affected by our patriarchal culture. We do not go there!

In spite of the reports that many men are behaving badly, abusively, violently, selfishly, and more, we do not ask ‘but WHY are so many men doing these terrible things?!’

In spite of the evidence of men doing badly; the rates of addictions, suicides, prison populations, early deaths, lack of self-care, violence and aggression, we do not consider whether being a man is really such a happy advantage all told.


We need to explore, and explain, how patriarchy deeply wounds men, turning them from the loving  infants at birth into patriarchal foot-soldiers, enforcing a system that harms and controls us all.

Rather than the division promoted by ‘The War of the Sexes’ , we all need to work together for mutual Co-Liberation; compassion rather than blaming and shaming; understanding and openness rather than denial and anger.


Men and Women are victims of their gender stereo-typing, and toxic masculinity as well as toxic femininity, are symptoms of the problem, not the cause of it all.

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We live in a world of strictly defined gender roles – it’s the water we swim in.. so much so that we don’t even notice it! 

It starts with that first question - 'Boy or Girl?', and everything that happens to us after that confirms how we are expected to act, think, feel..   to live.

For men, this requires us to 'act like a man' - to deny our feelings, to be tough, in charge, never cry or admit we don't know, to be a hero, take care of other people, but not ourselves, and need sex because it's the only way we get to feel intimacy.

It's so limiting and has such drastic consequences on our lives, and the lives of everyone around.  It's called the Man Box.

But that's not a nice box to be in.. in fact it's toxic!

It is damaging us in so many ways, and quietly killing us..

It affects us all, men, women, children; and even the natural world and the environment we live in - it's a 'man's world', shaped by the rules of the Man Box.

And we don't really ever look at it, don't observe the effects it has on everything, and so don't act to change it.  But change is needed, and now!

ManCelebrating is about Change


Recent Blog posts:

Topic centred posts - a quick read.. each post focuses on different aspects of men's experiences in this 'it's a man's world' dystopia..  for discussion, comment, and sharing.

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