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Liberating men

It is becoming increasingly obvious that being a man, a patriarchal man is an unhealthy sentence, for everyone involved - things could be so much better..!

Locked into strict gender stereotype - there is little freedom to thrive..

Struggling with the expectations and pressures, men are doing badly..

Brutalised by societal violence, lack of self-care, and with little regard for how men fare in all this, men are behaving badly; many act out abusively, dangerously and lethally..


This is not  a happy place to be.  It's time to change.

Men's liberation - now

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Change requires that we explore and try to understand how men are affected under patriarchy. 

This is not something we consider very much - it seems to be assumed that because men have privilege, and don't resist or complain.. then there's no problems there!

   This ignores:-

  • how well 'trained' men are to conform - it starts on day 1, and is pretty universal in this gendered world.

  • how poor many men are at communicating - and so do not complain.

  • how being a man involves self-sacrifice and heroic denial of our  well-being or needs.

  • how disconnected most men are from their feelings, remaining oblivious to our truth much of the time.


- What happens to to men, starting from birth, that turn us into patriarchal men.

- What effect does our conditioning, from societal expectations - have on us

That we challenge the privileges that patriarchy gives men, and expose the costs that men pay to conform to the norms expected.

Men need to take responsibility for their story, for their experiences, for meeting their needs.  

Women can support, show compassion and understand that we are all victims under patriarchy.


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