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Do Men deserve to have one day?

A common response is that 'every day is men's day!' This follows the idea that it's a mans world. That Patriarchy is all about men, and totally, exclusively benefits men. Really.??!..

       Read the blog..

IMD Stroud - 2018


We organised a street fair to Explore Explain Celebrate
Being a Man
with stalls and displays, placards, books, sharing circles, music, and even sumo-wrestling

International Men’s Day in the UK is on 19 November every year – it is celebrated around the world in at least 60 countries. It invites every man, woman, girl and boy in the world to come together and celebrate men and boys in all their diversity.

International Men’s Day provides a fantastic opportunity for us to:

  • Highlight some serious issues effecting men and boys and their well-being

  • Make a difference to men and boys’ lives

  • Celebrate Britain’s men and boys in all their diversity

  • Explore what it’s like to be a man, or a boy, in our society - and what we can do better..


In the UK, the focus remains on how we can make a difference to men and boys by addressing some of the issues that affect them:

  • The high male suicide rate

  • The challenges faced by boys and men at all stages of education including attainment

  • Men’s health, shorter life expectancy and workplace deaths

  • The challenges faced by the most marginalised men and boys in society (for instance, homeless men, boys in care and the high rate of male deaths in custody)

  • Male victims of violence, including sexual violence

  • The challenges faced by men as parents, particularly new fathers and separated fathers

  • Male victims and survivors of sexual abuse, rape, sexual exploitation, domestic abuse, forced marriage, honour-based crime, stalking and slavery

  • The negative portrayal of men, boys and fathers


IMD takes a gender inclusive approach and believes that issues affecting women and girls need to be resolved. It recognises the links between gender and other factors such as race and sexuality which can compound the inequalities affecting men and boys.

Toxic Masculinity – is the effect of raising boys in a shaming Patriarchal system which loads men with unhealthy expectations. In this system Men are not doing so well! Not very well to themselves, to others, to women, children, or even to our environment.. In relationships men are struggling – confusing ‘sex’ and ‘intimacy’, unsure how to behave, what they need, or how to get it. In their inner lives – while men are perceived as all powerful, they often actually feel powerless in life, love and especially in their emotions.

International Men's Day is about celebrating Healthy Masculinity - diverse, affirmative, loving and respecting.. which can give men and boys better life chances. Celebrate the healthy and wonderfully rich and diverse, affirmative sides of men, including their dedication and hard work, the sacrifices and their courage, their struggles to love their friends, partners, children and even themselves.

IMD Stroud - 2019

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We celebrated, shared, and explored...  we canvassed on the street, asking men "what's it like, being a man?", giving out cakes and spicy flapjacks, and giving everyone ManCelebrating stickers..

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Work in progress

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