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A Presentation to the MKP Euro Elders Gathering, 2021

The ManKind Project provides a range of training courses, men’s groups and a network of support.

Men come to The ManKind Project either because they want to change something or because they feel something is missing in their lives.

For millennia, older men have initiated younger men into mature masculinity.

In contemporary life, most men do not receive any such mentoring. The result? Men feel alone, estranged from themselves and others, disconnected from meaning in their lives.

What is going on for men today?  What is the shame men seem to be carrying, where does this originate, and what could we do to free ourselves form the toxic and limiting sense of what a man can be..

This talk is in response to so much male violence, and exploring what men can do to make a difference...

Video to be uploaded

Please bear with us while we work to complete this page..

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It's about Men's Liberation

Freeing men from Shame

A healing response to

Gender Violence

Patriarchy ≠ Men

Feminism ≠ Women

Men behaving badly

Men doing badly

We don't ever ask 

   about MEN

What happens making

Baby Boy ⇝ Man ? 

Patriarchal conditioning

& gender expectations...

Time to heal our


Liberate ourselves to become

just who and whatever we

chose to be..

Awesome, lovely, caring, empowered, healthy men 

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