All things Men ...
Here are some of the projects, writings, exhibitions, and other ideas that I have produced in support of man celebrating ..
ManCelebrating is about Change
Informal talk with slides, filmed from the Elders Gathering in August 2021
Image: MKP UK
What is going on for men today? What is the shame men seem to be carrying, where does this originate, and what could we do to free ourselves form the toxic and limiting sense of what a man can be..
International Men’s Day is on 19 November.
It is celebrated around the world in at least 60 countries. It invites every man, woman, girl and boy in the world to come together and celebrate men and boys in all their diversity.
How can we make a difference to men and boys, how can we give men and boys better life chances?
Stroud IMD aims to:
Highlight some serious issues effecting men and boys and their well-being
Explore, Explain, and Celebrate men's liberation form patriarchal conditioning and expectations
Make a difference to men and boys’ lives
Celebrate Britain’s men and boys in all their diversity
Have some serious fun
My experience of being sent away to boarding school aged 10 - an experience shared by many of society's leaders and influential people of the past.. and what it did to me. Our culture has been shaped by the effects of these powerful institutions.
eMANcipated? is about confronting and exploring that shame that binds men into such destructive and unhappy behaviours. It is about exploring the painful, hurt and damaged aspects of growing up male today.
It is also about exploring and rejoicing in the healthy and wonderfully rich and diverse, affirmative sides of men, including their dedication and hard work, the sacrifices and their courage, their struggles to love their friends, partners, children and even themselves.
Image: Herewood Gabriel
The Pillar of Light is a symbol of the masculine, in all its true energy, steadfast dedication, honour and integrity.
When a man is connected to his true masculine essence, honours his energy, he is empowered to become himself – gracious brother, gentle father, loving husband, protecting warrior, guiding and wise.
It is time to heal; for men to own their parts, their shame, and their honour – to stand up, proud and strong and become a pillar of light.